RDH Building Science
    RDH Building Science

Interest in taller wood buildings utilizing cross laminated timber (CLT), nail laminated timber (NLT), and structural glued laminated timber (glulam) is growing rapidly in Canada and the United States. On the west coast, recently completed projects including the 97 foot tall, 6-story Wood Innovation and Design Center (WIDC) in Prince George, BC, the 180 foot tall, 18-story UBC Brock Commons Tallwood House in Vancouver, BC, and the upcoming 12-story Framework project in Portland, OR, have captured the attention of the international construction industry. Several other taller wood buildings are on the horizon and feasibility studies are currently being performed for mass timber buildings over 30 stories in height. Tall wood buildings have been a reality in Europe longer than North America, and there is much to learn from the European experience. However, conditions unique to the North American construction industry create many challenges for the design team in demonstrating the safety, durability, and economics of these buildings, all while forming public perception of wood at taller heights.

Presented at the 15th Canadian Conference on Building Science and Technology.

View presentation slides here.

RDH Building Science