• Graham Finch
    Senior Building Science Specialist, RDH Building Science

What exactly is a rainscreen wall?

Deep Dive into Rainscreens Session 1 unpacks common questions and confusion around a rainscreen wall assembly and the role it plays in wall performance.

RDH Principal and Senior Building Science Specialist, Graham Finch, kicks off this series with an overview of rainscreen wall design, components, and the characteristics of good performance.

You will learn:

  • What characteristics define a rainscreen wall
  • How to describe the components of a rainscreen wall and their functions
  • How to identify research-backed design best practices for typical rainscreen walls
  • What heat, air, and moisture control considerations are common for rainscreen walls

About the Series: Deep Dive into Rainscreens Deep Dive into Rainscreens is a multi-session, live, online learning experience that will enhance building industry professionals’ understanding of rainscreen wall assemblies. This series explores typical components and performance attributes of a rainscreen wall and shares research-backed recommendations, real-world examples, and practical application guidance.

This series is delivered by RAiNA and RDH Learn Building Science.


Deep Dive into Rainscreens Session 1: The Introduction on Vimeo



RDH Building Science