Yello on Yates, located in downtown Victoria, is a 209-unit, 15- and 11-story purpose-built residential rental building with commercial offices and retail space on the first two floors.

The project is one of many for which we have provided building enclosure consulting services to Chard Development. Team members from our Vancouver and Victoria offices were involved in both the pre-construction and construction phases of the project.

The unique design of the building enclosure meant that it was important for our team to develop a building enclosure strategy early in the process. This forward-thinking approach allowed our team to identify and help mitigate any potential risks during the design and construction phases.

Our extensive involvement in the design phase included reviewing the various components of the construction documents, such as shop drawings and assembly specifications. Our team also provided field review to ensure that the design was successfully realized during the construction phase. This work included supporting the contractor, Kinetic Construction, with applying the design specifications on-site and overcoming any enclosure-related challenges.

The building was completed in 2018 and positively reflects the client’s vision for the project.


May 22, 2019


Chard Development

General Contractor:

Kinetic Construction

Our Role:

Building Enclosure Consultant

Key Services

Concept Review
Field Review

Before material and systems selections are finalized, our clients benefit from a review of the building enclosure design strategies at a conceptual level. This review provides an opportunity to reflect upon the performance expectations and fundamental building science strategies behind the selection of appropriate solutions. Experience shows that changes made at the conceptual stage of building enclosure design have far greater cost-to-benefit impact than those made during late design or construction. A typical Concept Review considers the following:

  • Environmental loads
  • Energy performance targets and compliance options
  • Life cycle expectations
  • Constructability, sequencing, and complexity of detailing
  • Structural support
  • Risk Analysis

Warren Knowles | P.Eng.

Principal, Senior Building Science Specialist
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Christy Love | P.Eng., CPHC

Principal, Building Science Specialist
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Robin Breuer | AScT, RRO

Principal, Senior Project Manager
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Nuutsumuut Lelum (Nanaimo Passive House)

Nanaimo Aboriginal Centre (NAC), in partnership with government agencies and other community organizations, undertook the creation of Nuutsumuut Lelum, a 25-unit rental housing complex for Indigenous families, youth, and Elders, anchored by a communal space for gatherings, celebrations, and other activities.

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Ronald McDonald House

In support of its efforts to keep sick children and their families together when seeking medical treatment away from home, Ronald McDonald House Charities built an expansive new facility in Vancouver.

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RDH Building Science